Do I Really Need A Birth Plan?

“My birth plan is to have a baby!” If only I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard that one. You should definitely bring that laid back attitude into your birth space, but creating a birth plan still might be a good idea. Here's the truth: birth plans are a tool that every pregnant woman can use. They’re not just for moms who are planning…


The Problem With Birth Affirmations (And What You Can Do Instead)

We are currently living in the self-help generation. We are bombarded from every side with body and self-positivity messaging, both from the media and advertising culture. Apparently, everything you need to live your best life is just a google search and an e-book away. Of course, wanting to better yourself and be mindfully positive is a good thing. Right? Probably. Maybe. It depends. Let’s take a…


Madeline Ruth – An Unmedicated Hospital Birth Story

Today I’m sharing the unmedicated hospital birth of my first child, Madeline. She was born 11 years ago today, but I still remember it vividly. It wasn’t a perfect birth, but it’s uniquely mine and I’m so thankful for every part of it. I wrote this just a few months after she was born and I’ve changed very little before sharing it here with you. Happy…


Extended Breastfeeding: My Changing Views

Before I became a mother, I fully intended to breastfed. But my views on extended breastfeeding changed dramatically in the weeks, months and years after I had my first child. Before I gave birth to that sweet little bundle of joy, I was totally one of those women who made statements like these: "Once a baby has teeth, it's time to stop nursing." "Once they can…


When Hospitals Become a Risk Factor For Your Birth

Current research in maternal healthcare clearly indicates that the hospital you deliver in may be the largest risk factor in your birth. With national cesarean rates soaring and maternal mortality higher than in any developed country in the world, it’s never been more important to walk into your birth educated and informed. For most pregnant women, deciding on a hospital is secondary to choosing their preferred…


Tips for Communicating Effectively with Your Birth Provider

If you are committed to having a natural childbirth, at some point you will face the challenge of communicating your goals and preferences to your doctor or midwife. You've probably already figured out that there is no shortage of articles and posts online with suggested questions for your birth provider. Even I've posted my 5 most important questions to ask your doctor. But if you are…


The 5 Most Important Questions You Can Ask Your Doctor

Let’s set the stage. You want a natural child birth with minimal interventions and you want to do it in a hospital. You would REALLY like it if you didn’t have to change doctors or drive to another county or State to do it. So what’s important to know about your doctor or midwife’s birth philosophy? I'm here to break down the 5 most critical questions…

Shopping For a Birth Class? Here’s What You Need to Know
Birth Class Options

Shopping For a Birth Class? Here’s What You Need to Know

Deciding what birth class to take during your pregnancy can be completely overwhelming. Instead of just deciding whether or not you want to attend a class, you also have to decide on which one to take. Online? In person? 12 weeks or 1 day? Hospital sponsored or independent? If you’re like me, sometimes too many choices can lead to a phenomenom called analysis paralysis. I’m sure…

Tools for a Successful Natural Childbirth in a Hospital
Natural Hospital Birth - Baby Liberty

Tools for a Successful Natural Childbirth in a Hospital

If you’ve landed on this post, I’m guessing you’re pregnant and have decided on a natural childbirth and want to do it in a traditional hospital setting. Now what? You are probably feeling overwhelmed and maybe even intimidated by the amount of information that is available. Opinions from everyone and their mother are undoubtedly flying in your direction. You’re wondering things like “Can I even do…

8 Ways to Overcome the Overdue Baby Blues
photo by: Molly Tomlinson

8 Ways to Overcome the Overdue Baby Blues

You’re staring at the date on the calendar. It’s *after* your due date. You know…that date you’ve anticipated for the past 10 months? It just passed on by like any other day.  To make things worse, your mother-in-law just called you (again) to ask if the baby was coming today. My goal today is to provide you with some overdue pregnancy tips to help pass the…


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