Tools for a Successful Natural Childbirth in a Hospital
Natural Hospital Birth - Baby Liberty

Tools for a Successful Natural Childbirth in a Hospital

If you’ve landed on this post, I’m guessing you’re pregnant and have decided on a natural childbirth and want to do it in a traditional hospital setting. Now what? You are probably feeling overwhelmed and maybe even intimidated by the amount of information that is available. Opinions from everyone and their mother are undoubtedly flying in your direction. You’re wondering things like “Can I even do…

8 Ways to Overcome the Overdue Baby Blues
photo by: Molly Tomlinson

8 Ways to Overcome the Overdue Baby Blues

You’re staring at the date on the calendar. It’s *after* your due date. You know…that date you’ve anticipated for the past 10 months? It just passed on by like any other day.  To make things worse, your mother-in-law just called you (again) to ask if the baby was coming today. My goal today is to provide you with some overdue pregnancy tips to help pass the…


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